Thursday, December 9, 2010

"can God just take him"

He was suffering from poor lungs and his back pain had made him crippled. He could not breath as well as could not move because of severe spine disease. Every day was a struggle for medical team as his pain was not responding to medications.

He looked like he will die but suddenly his antibiotics start working, and his pain seems to be reasonably controlled. We were happy of our accomplishment of saving a life.

The patient still looked like exhausted of his life’s marathon.His wife of 40 years told us,”I can read him like a book,he can’t take it anymore”.Then she said,”can God just take him”, she had tears in her eyes saying good bye,go to God.

The very next day he went to God.

To some,keeping the string of life attached while a loved one suffers is a matter of their own association with life.For others,freeing a loved one to go to God is the ultimate tribute to love of their life.

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