Saturday, February 4, 2012

"can luck be a matter of choice"

He had a life full of adventures and a history of falling and getting up to face what comes next.

I saw him during his treatment and told him that he was a lucky man to be alive compared to man in his age and with his life style. Besides a history of a few broken bones nothing else was broken.He disagreed, he considered himself not so lucky.

I wondered about luck as I always considered luck an absolute happening against odds of possibilities. He had money and choices, how come he did not feel lucky as luck can be on demand for him.But it is what you want so badly knowing that it may not happen but can happen not knowing how. And When it happen that is luck.

To some onetime winning of a lottery is a matter of an absolute luck, others survive life’s punches on a daily basis and feel not so lucky.

Can  luck be a matter of choice, an inflated word underappreciated daily.


Shazia said...

It is all perspective I believe...

Jackson Chronicles said...

Luck, like life, has a degree of randomness--but a larger degree of luck involves work, action, and resiliency.

This resiliency aspect of luck, the continuing on despite setbacks, is oft ignored. Choosing to continue, like you say, is under-appreciated and confused with randomness.

Unknown said...

luck s always binds with indeed it matters i believe...

Sonnet of a Spirit said...

Hmm...never thoguht of it like that. Who knows? Perhaps luck can also be a skill that can be owned. You never know. Very thought provoking post:D

Jackson Chronicles said...

To Sonnet of a Spirit:

I like your comment--Luck can also be a skill that can be owned.

Luck to me is a choice of comparing your circumstances to those of others. We have luck in choice but also in an attitude within.

Agree with you this is a very thought provoking post.

I often go back to reread A Cool Mind's older posts to rediscover knowledge that is between the cracks, between the known and unknown which keeps changing.