He suffered from a
stroke which left him with an unsteady gait. As his life turned around towards better
days, he reported to me that he is getting around, even going out to watch games.
One day on his visit I inquired about his mobility and use of a walker and wheel chair. He smiled and
said, I don’t use those, I can walk, it’s just my knee. He was not willing to
get help or use a walker or wheelchair. Then he walked slowly using his cane, making
me afraid of him falling. I visualized him slowing everyone down when he was going
to games
To some getting help
or using a wheel chair is a sign of weakness. They see themselves in others
eyes as frail and old, dependent and dying. It may be a matter of pride and
Others take help to
help themselves, By keeping pace with their surroundings, they keep the circle
of life revolving by not obstructing fast-paced people around and after them.
Sometimes it is important
not to get caught up in ones strength, as no one is watching our frail selves
for its strength anyway. I think acceptance of ourselves, our limitations,
frees us to live another day with pride of certainty.