She was admitted with
a non-healing wound on her leg. I saw her lying still
in the hospital bed with her eyes closed. She looked peaceful, contrary to her
angry looking leg wound.
She informed us that
she had a rare condition and she was being cared for by nothing but the best
amongst the best of doctors. She showed
us her pictures taken with famous people. She understood that she had some sort
of celebrity status because of her condition.
To some a rare to
share condition gives them a celebrity status. Being part of a registry of rare
diseases provides them inner strength to survive against the odds of limited available
I heard her proud
voice as she shared her pictures, but as I listened to her
closely she could not hide her sadness of being a medical celebrity, as it does
not come with longevity or even pride.
I hoped that someday
finding a cure may make her proud of being who she was once upon a time.
Asalamu alaikum thx, What Is The Month Of Ramadhan?
Yes. So true. What we share with others first shows what is utmost in our consciousness. Your story tells us we must look deeper into how we unconsciously identify ourselves.
At one rare doctor visit, a unique doctor asked me first about my work and how I enjoyed it. It was so comforting to be identified with something other than my medical problems at the first visit with this new specialist.
His message was that I was a person first, and a patient second.
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